akaChain Non-profit Project Launching: Predict the Possibility of Coronavirus infection with AI

2 min readApr 8, 2020

akaChain handshakes with Vietnam Ministry of Information and Communications to launch a website of “Predicting the possibility of CORONA infection” for Vietnamese people.

Predict the Possibility of Coronavirus infection with AI

In response to the complicated situation of acute pneumonia caused by the Coronavirus, akaChain — an FPT Software unit — in collaboration with the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) — developed the website “Coronavirus Prediction” to provide Vietnamese people with free tools to look up disease information, and allow users to check the possibility of infection based on a specific geographical location.

Coronavirus infection prediction website is built on AI technology, allowing simply and quickly updating and analyzing information all necessary information related to the possibility of virus infection in real-time.

In the Homepage and the Statistics, when looking at the COVID-19 Map and Infection Map in Vietnam, users will immediately pinpoint hotspots of the pandemic.

With COVID-19 Map, we will see the specific location of patients related to Coronavirus, including all positive cases — F0 (including new cases), cases of F1, F2, and F3 — corresponding to different colours — also quickly and accurately updated from many sources of information verified by the MIC. When the users click the dots on the map, the specific information about the case’s number, address, travel schedule, and the isolation/treatment place will be displayed clearly and precisely.

The Statistics page does not only provide an instant overview of pandemic statistics, but users here will also find out which is the hot area of the pandemic across the country.

Notably, in order to give users the ability to test their own infection ability as the increase in the possibility of cross-contamination, in the “Check” page, after linking Facebook accounts to websites, people only need to enter their phone number, the location they want to check, then AI technology will integrate their location and calculate the probability of infection from positive cases / hot epidemic areas based on travel history of positive cases.

The algorithm used by akaChain works based on the available database, so the more and complete information is provided and the more people participating in, the more accurate the results will be. In particular, all information that users provide will only serve the Health prediction and be confidential with high reliability.

akaChain — an FPT Software unit — is the expert in developing solutions based on Blockchain technology for enterprises. With the mission of an applied technology developer, akaChain believes that every new technology should be implemented not only to increase economic efficiency but also to show its value in other areas of social development. That is the driving force for akaChain to collaborate with the MIC to develop and deploy this non-profit “Coronavirus Prediction” project.

Stay safe with akaChain: https://aicovidvietnam.info/




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